Who Has A Garage Sale When It's 105 Degrees?

Well the Fletcher Lichti Family, of course!!!

We have been planning for a few weeks now to have a garage sale. Our date was set, July 7. Little did we know it was going to be one of the hottest days of the year. And little did we know that my OB was going to restrict my activities. But, we are troopers and we sucked it up and had our garage sale anyway, in 105 degree weather and with one of our team members who couldn't do much.

Luckily for us, I had most of our items that we wanted to sell stacked up in our living room. It makes for great decoration to have a collection of crap sitting in your living room for weeks. That's how I was able to do it, going through different rooms and closets and assembling the items for a couple of weeks. We really didn't have THAT much stuff. But we did have some big items, like stuff we had saved from Georgia's infancy that we WANTED to reuse. Well, our intentions were good about trying to save money and reuse those items, but it just didn't work out this time. We saved her stroller/car seat combo-can't use it because we need a double stroller and smaller car seats. We saved her crib mattress-can't use that because we had to get mini cribs in order to fit two of them into the bedroom. We saved her crib bedding-can't use that because it's too big for the mini cribs. We saved a bassinet (that Georgia never used-she hated it for some reason)-don't want to use it because it's not big enough to hold two babies.....the bassinet in our pack n play is big enough! So, those were some big things that we had stored either at our house or my parent's house that needed to be gotten rid of and they are in great shape, so we thought we might try to make a little moola. So, the idea of a garage sale was born!

In addition to the things listed above, we had some other odds and ends that were no longer useful to us that we also put in the sale....random house stuff, games, books...you know, typical garage sale stuff.

The day started off by Nolan letting me sleep a little bit longer than I intended. Our sale was supposed to start at 8 and Georgia came in at 7:30 to wake me up. Oops! I was going to get up at 6:30, but my sweet hubby just decided to do a lot of the work himself. He probably knew that if I was up, I was going to be out there doing more than I should be doing in my delicate condition. Anyway, I shuffled out of bed and threw my hair up into a ponytail and found some clothes to wear (that is harder these days than it should be) and joined him outside to set our goodies out for strangers to browse.

A little before 8 we started having customers and had a few quick sales. And for it being hotter than you know what outside, we had a decent amount of people stopping by until about 11. As the noon hour approached we decided to wrap things up. No amount of money was worth sitting out in the heat past noon. Instead of continuing on, we loaded our unsold items up into the car. Their fate would be The Goodwill after we took showers and had lunch. We also had two boxes of books/movies/video games that would be heading to Half Price Books after our Goodwill dump.

So, how did we do? Well just with the garage sale we made a little over $50. Not as much as we had hoped, but it was more than what we had when we started. And then at Half Price Books we made an additional $13.50. So maybe for the day about $65.00 or so. Not terrible. AND we didn't even sell what we thought would be the "hot" items.....all our baby stuff. Our plan was to take it to Once Upon A Child (a resale shop for baby/children's stuff), but as we were closing, our neighbor from down the street stopped by and asked about all the baby stuff. I guess her daughter is having a baby and goes in for her ultrasound on Tuesday. She is going to find out the gender of the baby and then let us know if they are interested in buying some of it. We will just hold onto it for a little while and see what happens. If not, it will all go to Once Upon A Child or Goodwill if they don't want it.

But what this post is really about is Georgia.....she wanted to have her very own lemonade stand. So Friday night she and I made lemonade (pink lemonade, of course) and we made a sign for her table. I gathered some cups saved from her last birthday party and Daddy got together some ice so we would be all ready to go for the next morning. All morning she kept asking when her lemonade stand was going to get set up. She was so excited to try and make a little bit of money. When she got dressed that morning, she put on yellow shirt because, and I quote, "I want people to know I'm the lemonade girl." I suppose because lemons are yellow, otherwise I dunno. It's times like that when I just say "yep" and nod my head. She's got it all figured out in her little mind. Also she put on a very fancy headband with feathers on it. She wanted to look her best! She cracks me up.

After Nolan and I finished setting up and talking with our first few customers, Nolan carried her picnic table around to the front yard and we got her all set up. She had her pink lemonade iced down in a cooler, her sign was taped to the front of her table, her cups were ready to go and she even had a little jar to put her earnings into. Snoopy served as her assistant for the morning. Georgia sat out there pretty much all morning, in the heat, waiting for folks to buy her lemonade. It was very cute. She made about $2.00, which she was super excited about and put in her bank right away. I think that one couple stopped by our house just to buy her lemonade. And her mamaw came by because she heard there was going to be an awesome lemonade stand at our sale and she wanted to make sure she got a glass!

So Georgia got her first taste of the business world on Saturday. She had fun and it was fun to watch her interact with her customers.....giving them their lemonade, counting change back to them, telling them please and thank you. All of that made the time outside in the heat go a little quicker.

Here's my "lemonade girl"


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