33 weeks.....Geez, Can She Do Anymore Complaining?

Just a quick update....I'm now 33 weeks and 6 days into this twin pregnancy. And really, things couldn't be going much better. I'm just so glad that things are going smoothly. Since I've read about every little thing that could go wrong with twin pregnancy, it seems that I'm just sitting here waiting for them all to happen. I have to keep reminding myself that my pregnancy with Georgia was completely NORMAL. She was a healthy 9lb 3oz baby. I was able to deliver her without much problem and had minimal discomfort after delivery. The nurses kept asking me, "are you sure you don't want any pain medication, you just delivered a 9lb baby?" But I was fine....she was fine.

I went for my appointments this week and here's the nitty gritty......

Actually let's go back a little bit to last Friday. I was supposed to start my iron infusions that day. And everything went according to plan. I did get a call from the hematologist's office to let me know the results of my blood work that I had done earlier in the week. My hemoglobin and iron levels were up significantly, but still below normal. She recommended that I still have the iron infusion done. The reason why is that one test that was done shows the level that my body is producing iron (I think this is right....I'm not sure that I really know what the heck I'm talking about...the phone call was quick and they were using all sorts of terms that I have no idea about) and this was waaaay higher than it should have been. That shows that while my levels are up, my body is working too hard to keep them that way. Anyway, I was sold that I needed the infusion before the results even came back. It's what my OB recommended and since I was already starting to dilate, I kind of feel like a ticking time bomb so why not get as much iron in me as I can before these babies decide they want out of their cozy little home. But one piece of good news is that instead of the 6 infusions that I was originally planning on, the hematologist thinks that maybe 3 will do the trick. Yea! Fingers crossed that she's right!

So on Friday afternoon, I head over to the hospital to have my infusion done. When I'm called back, I get this nice little room with a recliner and a TV. Lucy, my RN for the afternoon, gets me all set up with my IV (the medication looks like coffee going straight into my veins) and I take a nap and then watch Ellen. Before I know it, it's after 4:30 and I'm all done. Time to go home. My IV was placed on the side of my wrist and it was very sore. It continued to be sore that night and the next morning, but was fine by the afternoon. So, no major complaints about that at all. Things went really well in my opinion. And while I was there all the nurses were fawning over me. Once they found out that I was having twins, they all came in to talk to me and ask me about the babies. They are very sweet and caring ladies. And really, they have to be, most of the people there are not getting iron infusions. See, the this is also the cancer center, so many of the folks there were getting their chemo treatments or other things to do with their disease. So it must be nice to have someone in there who is just getting iron and doesn't have a life threatening disease. Also while I was there a woman had her last cancer treatment. They have a bell that they ring and a little poem to say about their last treatment and the journey to recovery. It was so sweet. She was crying and talking about the wonderful doctors and staff. Her family was there photographing the moment. It was all so touching. They were bringing this pregnant lady to tears.

Monday, back at the hematologist's office for another infusion. I didn't get back right away like I did the first time. I waited about 45 minutes in the lobby before my name was called. I try not to get too worked up about that kind of stuff. I know that the staff wants to get me back there as quickly as they can. The longer I'm there, the longer they are there too. Lucy was my nurse again and she got me hooked up right away with my IV and the iron. This time a little private room was not available so I was put in a room with about 4 other chairs. There was no one else there so it was fine. Really it would have been just fine if there were people there, I don't really care. I suppose if I felt really bad, I might want a room all to myself. And once again, I had my own little TV to watch. There was more noise out in this area since it was next to the nurses station, but again, not a big deal. I was able to do the same thing that I did the last time....take a little nap and watch a little TV. The entire appointment took longer because I had to wait, but Georgia was with my mom and it really wasn't a big deal. My mom was able to take her to swim lessons and stay with her as long as I needed her too. And again, my only real complaint was that my wrist was sore. The first time it was my right wrist, this time it was my left. The left hurt worse than the right. Not sure why, it just did. It was sore for a couple of days.

Tuesday I headed to the OB office. I had appointments for an ultrasound and NST (non stress test) for the afternoon. I usually plan on being at the OB office for about 2-2 1/2 hours when I go for these two tests. Thank goodness I wasn't seeing the OB otherwise I would be there longer.

As always my ultrasound was first. Both babies look great. Both heartbeats were strong and clear. We usually start with Baby A, but Baby was already doing her breathing exercises when the ultrasound started so Vicki just started with her. It's really interesting to watch them do these exercises. In the ultrasound, I can see their diaphragms move up and down. So they are inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid just to practice for when they take their first breath after birth. Vicki did all of our normal measurements and tests and everything was fine, but we had to wait on Baby A to wake up. She's a sound sleeper I suppose. We saw her moving around a little bit on the screen, but Vicki wanted to see some good kicks out of her. Vicki has this little horn, along the lines of a slightly muted air horn. She put that up to my belly and pushed the button a couple of times. That really didn't wake her up well enough to start kicking. What did wake her up was her sister. Baby B started wiggling and kicking and that got Baby A going. So Vicki was pleased with their movements and measurements, they both got outstanding marks for their 33 week ultrasound.

I usually don't have my cervix measured every week. Since there was such a big change last week and since I've started dilating, Dr Voelkel wants that to be done every week now, just to make sure things are staying the same. And things were pretty much the same. Thank goodness there is nothing new to report on that and the babies should be staying put for a few more weeks.

Next I went for my NST. Beatrice was able to find heartbeats right away and I was left to relax, listen to the heartbeats and push my little button to count the kicks. After a little while Beatrice came back and said that things looked really good, but she wanted to get Baby A to move around more. She also has one of those muted air horns and this time, it got Baby A's attention. After that, there were good movements from both babies. The NST also monitors if I'm having contractions, there are still no contractions....at least not when I'm doing the NST. I do notice Braxton Hicks contractions every now and then, but that is normal at this stage in pregnancy and is not a sign of labor.....just your body preparing for labor!

Wednesday I went back for my third (and hopefully LAST) iron infusion. This time was not a real great. First  I wait in the lobby for about 30 minutes before I'm called back. Lucy wasn't my RN this time, I should have known that was a bad sign. I was put into an exam room that was about the size of a closet. I was told that this is where I would have my infusion because no beds were available. WHAT? So my choices were to sit on the exam table with no arm rests or back support or to sit in a wooden arm chair. Um, are you kidding me??? Really, these are the best choices for a pregnant lady who is supposed to be at home resting??? Not really patient focused medicine, more like, lets cram as many people back here so we don't have to stay late. I chose to sit in the arm chair because at least I had some back support and an arm rest so my arm wouldn't dangle there with the IV in it. I asked for a pillow to prop my arm up a little more since, believe it or not, the wooden arm rest was NOT comfortable. So my RN finds me a pillow and I am squished into this chair with my large pregnant with twins belly and a pillow.....yea, we hardly fit. And my back was already hurting and the twins feet were up in my ribs and the thought of sitting there for 2 hours doing my infusion made me want to cry. After placing the IV, I looked at my nurse and told her that there was no way this was going to work. I was ready to walk out and reschedule for a different day. I was seriously on the brink of tears and saw how upset I was about this situation and said, "let me see if I can find you a recliner." Um yea, why don't you go and check that out. After a few minutes, she "found" me a recliner and I was moved. PTL (for those of you that don't know, Praise The Lord).

So, after the IV line gets started, the nurse orders your medicine from the pharmacy. I'm not sure why my nurse didn't order my medicine when she went to find me a different chair, but I after I moved, I waited for another 30 minutes or so before the medicine was started.....so I had been there for a grand total of 90 minutes before my infusion started. And the infusions take 2 hours. I was not happy. AND, while I'm complaining, the only thing that I asked for was a glass of water. I asked for that when I got to my seat and she brought it to me 30 minutes later when she hooked up my medicine. I think that she may have been kind of new. She wasn't really confident placing the IV, she seemed pretty nervous about the entire process. She didn't get the IV hooked up correctly and the medicine leaked all over the pillow. So, I feel kind of bad if I was a problem patient and she was new, but at the same time I don't really feel that bad because she needs to know that it's not OK to leave an extremely pregnant woman in a wooden chair for over two hours. It's just not cool.

Just a bit more complaining to do.....once 4:30 rolled around (I still had an hour to go on my infusion) I heard my nurse ask another RN if it was OK for her to leave. She didn't even come over and ask me if I needed anything before she left, heck she never even told me that she was leaving. Usually when someone else is taking over your care, you are told who you can ask if you need something. Nope. I was just left there. And to make matters worse the old woman sitting next to me had the remote control and she kept channel flipping. There were three of us watching one TV and not once did she ask if we minded that she changed the channel. It was just a little rude. And she decided on some terrible movie with Alicia Silverstone!

For the most part, 33 weeks has been really good. Sorry about all the complaining. It really was just one bad appointment, but it kind of leaves a bad impression on you. Tomorrow will be 34 weeks.....I go back for blood work at the hematologist office tomorrow and then on Monday I have an appointment with the hematologist to discuss the results and if I need more infusions they are already set up for next week and if I don't need them, they will be canceled and I will be done with all that. YEAH! I also have another OB appointment on Tuesday, and hopefully that gives more good news.

Thanks for reading these updates and keeping track of this pregnancy. I'm ready to meet these little girls and stop going to the doctor all the time!!! Hopefully soon both of those things will happen!


  1. Just reading the story about the lady getting her last cancer treatment made me cry! Oh, and I'm glad those 2 girls are doing well and staying put! :) I think of you guys often, and pray for continued good news!!

  2. Thanks E! Your thoughts and prayers are much needed! Keep em up after the girls get here....not sure how it works with two newborns...makes me tired just thinking about it!


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