This week for our ToT post we are supposed to write about what movies are our guilty pleasures....what do we just LOVE to watch.

For some, movies are a big source of entertainment. And while I really do love a good movie (it can be a comedy, action, chick flick...there are movies in just about every genre that I love), I just don't get out and go to the movies very often. It's so expensive! Have you seen the prices lately? Most of the movies that we have gone to see lately have been something that Georgia really wants to see. Why just yesterday to celebrate our Independence Day we went and saw Brave. It's really good by the way. We did that because it's hot out and I can't really do much and Georgia has been aching to see that since we saw the preview for it when we went to see The Muppets Movie at Thanksgiving. Oh, Thanksgiving Day (or the day after) we usually go to a movie at the theater with whatever family we happen to be with that holiday. But for the most part, Nolan and I don't get out and go to the movies....we usually say that we will wait until it comes out on DVD and then forget about it. We did go to a lot of movies when we were dating because well, living in Goshen, Indiana there really isn't much to do.

I love her wild red hair. I asked Georgia if I should let my hair get wild and curly like this....she said no. 

Are going to the movies something that I miss.....sometimes. Sometimes there is just a movie that I can't wait to see, but I just can justify spending the money on it. Now, every once in a while those movies that I'm just dying to see are movies that Nolan cares nothing about and so I get to go with my girlfriends who are movie lovers. That is a rare and exciting treat! I think the last time I did that I went and saw The Help.

Good movie, better book!

But you want to know what my REAL guilty pleasures are.....musicals. I love musicals that have been turned into movies. And I love musicals that are just movies. I love to watch them anytime I want. Is it as good as going to the theater and watching a live performance. Of course not. But it's nice to get a musical fix every now and then. 

Just a couple of weekends ago, Nolan was working outside and I was taking a little break and resting on the couch. I flipped on the boob tube and you'll never guess what was on....only my favorite musical of all time....West Side Story. 

Ah, it's just so good. It pulls at my heartstrings every time. Every single time I'm routing for Maria and Tony and things just never work out. And I hate that racial problems come between them and separate them for life. And really, how can you not like singing, dancing gangsters? 

Now, I could probably sing every word of every song to you. If you have been reading my blog, this does not surprise you at all. I can remember borrowing the sound track from the library and singing in my room. I'm pretty sure that Sarah and I did a duet from this musical for a vocal recital one time. And it was either my parents or my brother who searched Indy high and low for a copy of this on VHS for me. I still have the copy even though we no longer have a VHS player. I just can't part with it yet.

And there are so many more fantastic musicals out there......

Classic. Makes me think about watching it on television when it would come on once a year! I never missed it!

Another Judy Garland classic. Ding ding ding went the trolley!

I do enjoy the version I have on CD better because Julie Andrews is playing Eliza. But Audrey Hepburn does a good job in the movie. I Could Have Danced All Night was the first solo that I sang for a recital. I did fantastic by the way! 

I love Julie Andrews. She is lovely and I think her voice is lovely. She makes me believe that the hills ARE alive with the sound of music. I wish this wasn't so long....I think that Georgia would really love the songs. Maybe I'll try it one day and see how far we get. 

Did I mention my love for Julie Andrews? This is another one that I couldn't forget to add to this guilty pleasures list. When we were in Disney, I think I wanted to meet Mary Poppins more than Georgia did! And Dick Van Dyke he is just too funny!

I think that the reason I love this so much is because it has one of my favorite songs in it....If I Loved You. I just think that its beautiful. Have a listen....

So I would say those are my most guilty movie pleasures. I love the songs, I love the dancing and I love all the cheesiness that goes with them. If you are a musical lover too, let me know if you agree with those on my list or if you have some favorites of your own! 

Don't forget to check out the other gals guilty pleasures.......


  1. Nancy,
    I love musicals, too! I have My Fair Lady on DVD. Jake hates them, so I don't get to watch them all that often. I love Meet Me In St. Louis. I'm a huge Judy Garland fan. I also have to watch White Christmas and Holiday Inn every year-sometimes more than once.


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