
it's a new year. and since january 1, 2014 (probably before) i've had a running list of things in my head that i want to make happen this year. and really, i feel like i should get this list documented so i don't forget. so that when december 31, 2014 comes around, i'm not thinking, "rats! that didn't happen!" 

so here. i'm asking you all to keep me accountable. call me out on this stuff if you don't see it happening. but don't do it on a public forum where others might find out.....i like to pretend that i've got it all together and that would totally ruin it. 

resolutions for 2014

1. send birthday cards. i love getting stuff in the cards, new years cards, letters, post cards, birthday cards. i figure that i probably brightens everyone else's day too. so why not surprise my loved ones by sending them a little note on their birthday letting them know that the fletcher lichti family is thinking about them. we got the first card out....even though it was a little late :) 

2. detox. i told you all how i was feeling sluggish. i told you i was doing this detox....or at least a modified version of it. two and i'm hungry and grumpy. that could be because my body just feels like it needs all the junk that I was putting into it. or i could be grumpy because i got my sleep got interrupted last night....and you all thought i got 8-9 hours of sleep every night with twins, right? well, it wasn't even the twins last was the big kid. ugh, mom can't catch a break sometimes. 

3. read 26 books. i already told you all about this one too. still reading The Secret Garden. i'm almost done. i would say that by sunday night i will have finished the book and be ready for book #2. 

4. exercise. diet and exercise are on most peoples list of new years resolutions. it's hard. i make up excuses. i'm tired. i have twins. but here's the kicker people, i felt so much better when i was running most days of the week and going to yoga. sure, it takes time. sure, it's sometimes a pain in the you know what to get started. but, it's something that i've gotta do. I GOTTA! 

5. drink more water. i just don't drink enough period. i've allowed myself to have one soda per day. i'm thinking that i need to make sure that there are days with zero soda. it usually happens a couple of days a week that i find myself thinking at the end of the night, "i made it an entire day without a coke, score." and it's not that i NEED it. i don't think i'm addicted to it at all. i just like it. it's a treat. so, since i've limited myself to once per day, why not back it down to 3 times a week. i also drink a lot of tea. iced tea, hot tea, warm tea....whatever. it's usually unsweetened, unless it's my once a week starbucks chai tea latte. a lot of times it's green tea. tea is so good for you, i think it would be stupid to give it up. 

6. find a photographer mentor. i would really love to up my game in the photography world. i would love to get really good at this. my first step is to get a new camera. while what i have is a great camera and was super easy for my first dslr, i think that the time has come to upgrade. and then after the new camera and i become good friends, i would love to find someone to mentor me. i've got a few ideas of who's work i admire and a couple of recommendations. i'll be looking into that as the year goes on. the mentor thing might have to wait until next year.....not sure we can afford it this year with the expense of a new camera :)

7. get our house in condition to sell. we don't want to live here forever. it's just going to get harder as the twins get bigger. so, my hope is to have it ready to put on the market by spring. now, that's not saying that we are going to put it on the market in spring, but i would really love to do that. and that will be bittersweet. this house is the first place that nolan and i really called home as a married couple. sure we lived a couple other places, but they weren't home. our little house has been home to us. we brought all our babies here.....even violet, just in a different way. we've had christmases and parties and first steps and joys and tragedies take place here. it will be hard to part ways. i can hope that another young couple buys this house and fills it with as much love as we have. 

8. continue monthly date night with the hubs. for a while, we were living this roller coaster life. we were pregnant, our baby died, we were pregnant again, we were having twins, we brought the twins home.....our emotions and moods were all over the place for a while. i think around valentine's day last year, nolan and i went out on a was the first one in a long time. and we decided that we really needed to do this on a monthly basis. it is good for our relationship to be without our kiddos for a few hours. we needed time without being called mom and dad. we've done a really good job about at least once a month going out....just the two of us. i want to continue that. 

and this is my list for 2014 my friends. what are you doing in 2014?


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