book #3 looking for alaska

looking for alaska is book #3 crossed off my 20 in 2015 book list! 

this book was fine. it wasn't great, but it was fine. i read it, it kept me interested. but as i was reading it, it seemed like i had read this story before. a friend pointed out that john green's books seem to all be very similar and i agree.
 this is the third john green book that i have read. i adored The Fault In Our Stars...who didn't, right? that was the first book of mr green's that i read. then, just recently, i read paper towns....i was a little bit let down by this book, but it was still decent. then i read looking for alaska and thought....i've heard this story before! i suppose when you find something that works, you stick with it.
so, at least in my opinion, these three books are very similar....they are good, but i say pick one of them and you really won't need to read the others! 

what's next for me?? well, i'm reading The One and Only Ivan with georgia and i'm going to start Still Alice probably tomorrow. 

happy reading!


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