make me a channel of your peace

The closing song from yesterdays service at First Mennonite has been stuck in my head. That's not a bad thing. This hymn is based on a traditional prayer attributed to St Francis of Assisi. 

Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace

Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me bring your love
Where there is injury, your healing power
And where there is doubt true faith in you. 

Make me a channel of your peace;
Where there's despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness-only light
And where there is sadness, ever joy.

O Spirit grant that I may never seek
So much to be consolded as to console  
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
In giving to all that we receive
And in dying that we're born to eternal life. 

If you would like to hear this song, listen to this video of Susan's lovely!


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