book #9 still alice

i just finished this minutes ago. and i had to talk about it with someone and dear readers, that's you!

alice is a harvard professor. she's married with children. she's only 50, she's got so many years ahead of her. after a series of forgetfulness she seeks out some medical advice. after meeting with a specialist, alice is diagnosed with early on set alzheimer's disease. the rest of the book tells of the life she now had to minute knowing exactly what is happening to her and the next minute not even knowing her own daughter. 

this book was so frightening to read. it's frightening because its happens. alzheimer's disease happens, even to those who we think are too young for the disease. and to know that there is no cure....not even a real fighting chance is devastating. the scariest part for me would be after the diagnosis...when things are still relatively clear, but knowing what is going to happen to you. and with early onset, knowing that your mind will disappear much faster than the rest of your body. 

i can't wait to see the movie. julianne moore plays alice and won an oscar for it. i love her in everything, so that makes me want to see the movie even more. 

i think that this book just took the top spot in my reads for 2015. we will see if anything can knock still alice off the #1 spot. but, no matter what, read this book. it's so worth your time. 


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