day #20 the good and the bad

day #20

Today was one of those days. It was kind of awful. It started off by June waking at 2:30 am to eat. She ended up sleeping with Nolan and I until I got out of bed at 7 am to help Georgia get ready for school. By 7:30 am Evie was up and ready to eat. Not long after Evie finished breakfast, June was ready to get up and start her day. And the rest of the day was spent holding one baby while the other cried. At least that is the way it seemed. I would pick up one baby and comfort her. When she was settled, I would put her down and pick up her sister. It was just back and forth like that ALL DAY. 

At 2pm, I got dressed....babies crying in the back ground. 
At 2:30 pm, I finally got around to making and eating some lunch. Well, I ended up scarfing down come chicken noodle soup while, you guessed it, babies were crying. 
3:02 pm, I'm late to pick up Georgia. Grrrrr! Now I have to sit and wait until the 3:20 pm pick up time. At least no one is crying right now. 
3:45 pm, we are back home and I'm trying to fix Georgia a snack. Georgia is trying to keep her sisters quiet. They like her a lot so it didn't take much for her to get them to settle down. They miss her during the day! 
4:00 pm, I'm nursing June and Georgia is giving Evie a bottle. At least it's quiet in the house!
4:30 pm, June is happily sitting in her bouncy seat and I'm holding Evie. 
5:00 pm, Nolan is home and both girls are on the floor screaming. I'm sitting on a stool in the kitchen crying because I just want a moment to myself. I ended up going into our bedroom and putting the covers over my head. Nolan closed the door to give me a few minutes to myself! He was able to take over for a little bit. I really do have the best hubby. 
After that we went to my parent's house for dinner and the night has been MUCH better than the rest of the day. 

BUT, a midst all of that craziness, there were parts of the day that made me so grateful that I am able to stay at home with my girls and watch them grow. And that's what today's photos are all about. I couldn't pick just one!


Hanging out together in the crib

My Favorite:Baby Toes


It's totally worth all of these crazy moments to have a few awesome ones. 


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