A Day In The Life-Updated Version

A while back, I posted A Day In The Life. As anyone with children well knows, things change. And with babies, it seems that things change daily. One day your routine will be perfect and then the next day you try the exact same thing, and it's wrong! It seems that you can never get it just right. Now, of course, that is just a bit of an exaggeration, but some days it seems so true. 

Anyway, since I posted the original A Day In The Life, things have changed around here. And since so there was so much interest in how we manage with twins and a 5 year old, I thought that I would give an update. 

Here we go!!!

6:30am-the alarm goes off and nolan gets georgia up. he makes her breakfast and sets out her clothes. he lets me sleep for an extra 30 minutes....whatta man, whatta man, whatta might good man!

7am-i wake up and make sure that georgia is finishing up breakfast. she goes off to brush her teeth and get dressed. i make lunches....most of the time, just georiga's. by the time i get her lunch done, i usually have to go and finish helping her get ready. she's slooooooooow!

7:40am-georgia and nolan need to be walking out the door NO LATER THAN 7:40AM to make it to school on time. i give them each a hug and kiss and send them on their way!

8-8:30am-the twins wake up. i never mastered the skill of tandem nursing so we do it one at at time. this is the worst part of the day. i absolutely HATE leaving one of them crying. it's only for a little while, but it's still painful to know that your baby wants to be with you and you just can't do both at the same time. anyway, when the first baby gets done, i set her up in either her exersaucer or bouncy seat and go get the other one. usually when the second baby is do nursing, the baby that woke first wants a little bottle to top her off. i give them both a bottle just to keep them on the same schedule. 

9:30am-i get to eat breakfast. i'm usually STARVED by now!

10am-i try to get dressed and freshened up for the day...that is if I don't need to shower. if i need to take a shower, then i will usually throw on sweats and brush my hair and teeth and then shower later in the day when the twinsies are naping. 

10:30am-the twins are ready for brunch! i will usually do a diaper change (unless they've needed one before now) and then set them up in their high chairs. we buy most of our baby food, although i have made some. so i will give them each 2 pouches of food (the pouches are usually 3-4oz each). june really likes to eat....and she's the small one! june yells at me if i'm not feeding her fast enough or if i'm feeding evie. i try to give a bite to june and then one to evie. evie tends to get distracted when eating. she likes to look out the window. she likes to look at the dog. she likes to look at the cat. she's just nosy! 

11am-i will usually unload the dishwasher or do laundry while the girls play in their high chairs. and if they are still not ready for nap after i've finished this, they have some play time in their room while i'm picking up in there or putting their clothes away. 

12:00pm-the girls are usually down for a nap by now. they will sleep for at least an hour now and most of the time, 2 hours!!!! it's so nice to have that break during the day!

12-2pm-i eat lunch, get a shower, do some chores.....all in no particular order! and sometimes, i sit around and veg. all of those things are important!!!

2pm-the twins are awake and ready to eat again. they have some lunch!! 

2:40pm-we are leaving to go get georgia from school! the girls love to see their big sis climb into the car at 3pm.

3pm-georgia gets in the car and we are either headed home or to run an errand. 

3:15pm-we are home from school and i'm making georgia a snack. she's always starved by now! practically near death if you ask her....she would prefer for me to have a snack ready and waiting for her when she gets in the car! like i have nothing else to do, right? now, if it's monday, georgia practices her piano before we head out the door to lessons. 

4:00pm-mon we are headed to gerogia's piano lesson, the rest of the week we are either doing homework or having a little chit chat about our days. i miss my big girl when she's gone all day. i'm ready for summer break so i can spend more time with her!

4:45pm-the twins are ready to eat AGAIN!!! they get an early dinner. it lets me feed them and then i'm free to start dinner afterwards!

5:00pm-if it's a tuesday, georgia is out the door and headed to swim lessons....when did we get so busy.

5:15pm-this is the witching hour! the twins are very fussy at this time of the day. they have been fed and diapered and they just need to take a little nap. i put them in their room to take a little snooze while i get dinner going. 

5:30pm-if it's a monday, georgia is headed back out the door for soccer. i'm starting dinner. 

6:00pm-the twins need to get up if they aren't already awake. they are in much better moods!!

6:30pm-i try to have dinner done...we all know how that goes. and on monday's we don't eat until after 7pm because georgia is at soccer from 6pm-7pm.

7pm-the twins have their last bottle of the day. we finish up dinner. 

7:30pm-we clean up after dinner. hopefully nolan and georgia can practice piano!!!

8pm-we send georgia upstairs to get ready for bed. nolan takes june to get her ready for bed while i change into something i can nurse in. 

8:15pm-i nurse june while nolan finishes getting evie ready for bed. this is the best time of the night. i love spending one on one time with the twins. i love the stillness that this time of night brings to the house :) after nolan finishes changing evie, i june and i get a hug and kiss from georgia and she is off to bed. nolan and evie get to tuck her in most of the time. june and i miss out on that time. that makes me a little bit sad :(

9pm-ahhh, silence. the only sounds we hear are the ocean waves from the girls sound machine over the monitor. nolan and i will finish up anything that needs to be done around the house....dishes, picking up toys, laundry. actually, we have been having laundry folding parties every night. we get the clothes out of the dryer and go to our bedroom and sit together and fold. and when the next load is done, we fold that one too. now, if i could just get them all put away!!!!

11:30pm-after our folding party and surfing the net for a little while, nolan and i head to dream land! nighty night! we gotta be ready to do it all again tomorrow. 

so, this is a typical schedule for us. like i mentioned in the list, georgia has piano lessons, soccer and swim lessons that we have to fit in. she just added soccer to the schedule. we don't really like to be that busy during the week, but it's something that she really wanted to do. and we didn't want to cut out on either swimming or piano....she is doing so well in both! so we are toughing it out for a few weeks. it's just beginning soccer, so nothing too major! also, on thursdays we go to my parent's house for dinner. yea! a meal i don't have to cook. now that also means that there are other things that don't get done while we are gone, but that's ok. and on mondays i help out in georgia's classroom from 10-11 so my mom watches the twins. and on wednesdays my mom picks goergia up from school so they can spend some time together. 

although, i try to keep this schedule, i know that i can't live my life based on a schedule. sometimes we have to go to the grocery store. sometimes we go for a walk. sometimes we just do other things. and that is ok. my girls are flexible. and that's what i want them to be. georgia was able to sleep anywhere and do just about anything that we were doing. it was great. i want that for these girls too!

so, there it is. this is our day. what's your day like?


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