book #12 bastard out of carolina

last night, I was so close to finishing book #12 for 2015. it was late. i wasn't sure i would stay up to finish. but my curiosity to find out what happened at the end of the story outweighed my desire to sleep. so at 1:15 am this morning, i finished up bastard out of carolina by dorothy allison. 

bastard out of carolina, follows the story of ruth ann aka "bone." her mother was unwed when "bone" was born and was therefore labeled bastard in bright red letters on her birth certificate. her entire life she was fighting that label. 

"bone's" mother married a man named glen. daddy glen had a temper and took it out on her. she also didn't like the look he would get in his eyes sometimes and she knew there was something else that he wanted from her. 

i found the end of this book heartbreaking for poor little "bone." the first 12 years of her life were can only hope that the rest of her life got better!!!


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