Boys? Girls? Boy and Girl?

Yesterday we went for another appointment with the maternal and fetal medicine specialist. I spent about two hours in the ultra sound room while the tech measured and took pictures of every single part of my babies. It's strange to watch them grow via ultra sound. It's something that not every mother gets to do. Every other week, I get to see these little guys and be amazed at how much they have grown since our last ultrasound. I mean, we all started out the size of a poppy seed, right? Right now, my babies are the size of bell peppers. And all that happened in 18 weeks. Crazy! And it's crazy that my babies are compared to food!
Everything looked great. The doctor showed me everything that she was looking for....we looked at the brain and the different parts of the brain. Everything looked great and was the right size. I saw all four chambers of their hearts, their bladders, kidneys, and stomachs.
And last but not least, we were able to look at their boy or girl parts. That was what we were all waiting for....I mean, it was great to know that everything looks normal with my babies, but finding out their genders, was why I was really there. I'm just kidding, sort of. Anyway, Baby A was being all stubborn. Legs crossed and feet blocking the money shot. The ultra sound tech, was not only trying to let us know Baby A's gender, but she need to take some leg measurements....what an uncooperative child I have in there. GREAT!
Then after some pushing and wiggling around Baby A's legs moved briefly and we saw there was nothing in between the legs. Yes, we would be having at least one more girl! Yea!
Now for Baby B. At our last ultrasound, 2 weeks before this one, the tech said that she didn't see any boy parts, but she wasn't ready to say that she was sure it was a girl. After we found out Baby A was a girl, I told Nolan that he better hope that Baby B grew some boy parts in the past two weeks. We laughed and focused on the bigger picture....the ultrasound screen! Well, Baby B had no problem showing off her body parts. Yes, I said HER body parts. Two more girls for our family!
The ultrasound tech joked with us that Nolan just doesn't make girls. I mean really, Georgia, Violet, Baby A and Baby B? Not one boy in the mix? It's a good thing that he is a great dad for a little girl. He doesn't mind playing with My Little Ponies or baby dolls. We all enjoy a good princess movie every once in a while. And we aren't the type of parents who will only buy our daughters pink, frilly things. We like to have well rounded kids. I love that Georgia has opposite gender friends that she plays super hero's with at preschool. I love that she still wants to go to Sunday School at church, even though she is the only girl most of the time. I love that she didn't even notice that she was in the minority during her basketball camp (she was one of two girls). I love that she knows the teams the Colts, the Bears, the Cubs and she can chant ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK with the best of 'em and give a hearty IU cheer during March Madness. I also love that she enjoys dress up and playing mommy and dancing and watching princess movies. It's kind of the best of both worlds.
Now that doesn't mean that I don't feel like we will be missing out on something by not having a boy. No wrestling matches in the living room. No teasing his sisters with frogs or snakes. No fights about removing his sweaty baseball cap at dinner. No eating us out of house and home. Ok, so these things might happen anyway with more girls, but it will still be different.
And when I say that we might be missing out on something, I also mean that we will be gaining something so special. How many parents get the chance at watching three daughters grow up together? The two younger ones looking up to their big sister, sharing clothes, fixing each others hair, giggling about who knows what, and sharing secrets together.
My hope for my three daughters is that they will grow up to love each other, to be close to each other and to be each others best friend. I hope that they have a bond that only sisters can have. I want them to be able to depend on each other, to lean on each other and to hold each other up. I want them to be each others biggest fans (besides mom and dad of course).
At the end of our appointment, the doctor said that she didn't need to follow up with me anymore and she just recommended that I continue to see Dr Voelkel, my OB, monthly and then weekly once I get to 28 weeks. There are very few people that I never want to see again, and this specialist is one of them. I am glad that I don't have to go back to that office. They were all very nice and made me very comfortable, that wasn't the issue at all. Not needing to go back means that my babies look normal and that my pregnancy looks normal. I like uncomplicated pregnancies :)


  1. Hooray for getting to go to a more 'routine' schedule for you appointments! And don't worry about missing out on wrestling in the living room. Lo & Pop go hard-core with each other (and Zach, if they can tackle him ;). Congrats again!!!

    1. Lauren, I already see that the wrestling matches won't be missed. Georgia is already pretty fierce! Thanks so much!


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