What Are You Reading?

This weeks ToT post is all about reading...what have you been reading lately that you have loved? It could be anything....books, magazines, blogs (Purple Peaches better be at the top of your list), ANYTHING. 

Right now, I don't have a lot of time to do much reading. There are some blogs that I keep up with and I will sometimes read some things from Pinterest, but mostly what I have been reading have been children's books. 

Georgia got several books for Christmas. Some of the best ones are the Don't Let the Pigeon books by Mo Willems. Oh that pigeon always wants to do things he's not supposed to do! They are seriously great books. If you have never read one, please, run out to your local library and find them, they are fantastic. And actually, all of Mo Willems' books are great, so go get one. 

My good friend from high school, Karen, got me hooked on romance novels. They are ridiculous and I love it. 

I don't read a lot of blogs, unless they are written by friends. I do look at some stuff on Pinterest, but I don't have any favorite blogs that I've found. I just don't have the time right now. I wish I did.

Hopefully my ToT friends have some great books to recommend to you all and to me too!!! 


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