It's Nifty To Be Thrifty

Thrifting, is it your cup of tea (cup of course found at your local Goodwill) or not so much. That's what today's ToT post is all about. 

For me, I have to be in the mood to thrift store shop. Granted, it usually doesn't take much for me to get in the mood! But it is hard when you are trying to search for that perfect something and you've got one, two, three or more kids in tow. With Georgia I could always go for a little while. And then she would get bored. So, we would swing by the Goodwheel, as she says, and do a little searching. And I really need to get to the new Goodwheel that opened up fairly close to our house. If I could get a few minutes to myself, Saturday might be a great time to's the first Saturday of the month and you know what that means right? Well, for those of you that don't, it's a 50% off sale. Oh yea!

I don't do much clothes shopping at thrift stores. It's mostly for furniture and other household items. I don't really know why. And I never go to kids resale shops for clothes either. Again, I'm not sure why. I'm not apposed to buying clothing second hand. My girls totally wear hand me downs. It's always exciting for us to get a big bag of clothes from friends and go through it to see what goodies we can find in there! I suppose it's the time commitment again that holds me back. You have to search sometimes to find the really good stuff. 

I do really like to find a piece of furniture and paint it up....I love to see the transformation. And I love looking for furniture at thrift stores. Again, it's the time thing. You can go in and see what they've got in just a few minutes. Then comes decision it right for your home, can you make it beautiful again, is it well made? The only second hand things that I have redone have been items given to me. My parents had a chest of drawers that got passed down to me when they got new bedroom furniture. I ended up taking it with me when I got married and moved out. I left it alone for a long time....just in case they wanted it back some day. You just never know. But two years ago I decided that I would just ask if I could paint it. And if they wanted it back one day, I could always repaint it to their desired color. They don't want that old thing back so I painted it green. It looks awesome. It's hip and modern now and looks great in my bedroom! I also did that with a nightstand they gave me. I painted it grey and it's now in the twin's room. 

I really love garage sales. I love driving around and looking at other people's junk. Someone's trash may be your treasure. You just never know. 

AND, sometimes, if I see something on the side of the know set out with someone's trash, and it catches my eye, I will totally stop and check it out. I get it honest, my dad does that sort of thing. I found a bedside table for Georgia's room that way. And I got some flower pots out of our neighbors trash. Just like I said, their trash, your treasure. 

What are your thoughts about thrifting?


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